From now until Labor Day, my
nail beat goes a little something like this: Scan the never-ending options at the corner salon (or rummage through my own hefty stash if I'm DIY-ing at home) with the intention of choosing
a hot new shade and enthusiastically posting on the 'gram to prove that I've finally broken out of my polish rut. But then I chicken out and default to a Day-Glo pink that screams summer, because I'm just that embarrassingly predictable. Turns out my fellow
Glamour colleagues are too. That's why, in honor of National Nail Polish Day (yup, that's a thing, and it's today June 1), we've rounded up a list of our most beloved warm-weather
nail polish shades. Here's what we'll be living in all summer long.

Lauren B Santorini Seduction
"Who said deep blues can't be worn in the summer? I'm obsessed with how this rich color complements my skin tone and applies so smoothly. Even better, I don't have to put on many coats to ensure even, nonstreaky coverage. If I'm in a rush, I slap one coat on and go. It still looks flawless." —Blake Newby, beauty assistant