The fall season has officially commenced, which means cashmere sweaters, riding boots, pumpkin spice lattes and unfortunately the dry, cold weather. Even if you love this time of year as much as I do, you know nothing is worse than dry, damaged hands from harsh temperatures and snow shoveling (not that I ever have to shovel snow in Beverly Hills but I know how harsh it can be J). For years I have been using world-renowned beauty guru, (and also my Uncle) Philip B.’s home remedy, from his book called Blended Beauty. The secret is his Pumpkin and Brown Rice Hand-Softening Pack to keep my hands silky smooth all fall/winter long! Not only does this festive hand treatment smell decadent, but it revitalizes and invigorates your skin while making it appear younger and stronger. I recommend using this invigorating hand treatment once a week followed by your regular Lauren B. Beauty regimen of Cuticle Oil, Nail & Cuticle Balm and Nourishing Hand Crème. Make sure to treat your hands this winter with this luxurious homemade cure together with my botanical treatment products. Bonus…. I am going to share this exclusive do it yourself recipe that will not only soothe chapped hands but the ingredients are easy to come by, and perfectly compliment the holiday season. Here is the exclusive recipe from Philip B.’s Blended Beauty:
Botanical Formula
½ cup of brown rice
1-cup warm water
½ chopped cucumber (do not peel)
¼ cup pumpkin (fresh or canned)
2 tablespoons coconut milk
In a bowl, combine rice and warm water, stirring together; let sit for 1 hour. Filter rice and water through coffee filter or paper towel, saving the water and discarding the rice solids. In a blender, mix the cucumber, pumpkin, and coconut milk together on medium speed for 30 seconds. Add rice water to the blender and mix on medium speed for another 15 seconds. Apply mixture all over hands, and cover with plastic wrap or gloves. Let sit for 15 minutes. Remove covering and rinse with warm water. Makes 2 cups.
For more great hair, skin and nail recipes you can score your own copy of
Philip B. ‘s Blended Beauty: Botanical Secrets for Body & Soul online through amazon.com
P.S. You can use the left over pumpkin to make miniature pumpkin pies! Yum!