With so many of us spending much of our time at home quarantined perhaps you find yourself in slippers all day, or maybe running around barefoot. Well, now is a GREAT time to prepare your feet for sandal season which we will hopefully see soon across the country. During this downtime it is a great time to give yourself some TLC, turn your bathroom into your own at home spa while taking some of that extra time you may have to pamper your feet in order to prepare for their big debut. Now we are offering a
DIY pedicure kit that delivers all the tools, supplies, and products you need for the perfect pedi in the comfort of your home. We want to take the annoyance out of sourcing these hard to find items and provide you with everything you need to get your feet ready for summer! So, FaceTime a friend, grab your kids and transform your bathroom into your own spa sanctuary and make a spa night out of it. You can give yourself a DIY Pedicure with a few easy products and tools that we have provided for you in this DIY Pedi Kit that you can find

DIY Pedi Kit
Follow these easy steps below to achieve the best results:
Step 1: remove any existing nail polish and give your nails some time to heal and be polish free. Use a gentle polish remover like our acetone free options
here, or the pads included in your DIY kit, which will remove and hydrate at the same time, and will not leave toes and cuticles dry like acetone does. It is also safer for you!
Step 2: fill up your bath tub, a soaking tub, or large basin with warm water to soak feet in. Cleanse feet with a gentle cleanser and let soak for 10 min or so. Take one foot out at a time and scrub the bottoms, heels, soles, with a pumice stone (use one with enough grit to work on thicker callused skin). Loosen and rough skin, and calloused areas with the pumice stone like the one provided in you kit. This will help make feet softer and remove dead skin cells. Rinse feet clean and gently pat dry.

DIY Pedicure prep
Step 3: Apply exfoliating foot mask to freshly washed feet. Open package and divide socks along perforation. Slide each foot into sock and seal tightly with sticker tab included. Optional Pro Tip, wear a pair of old socks on top of your exfoliating sock to secure the disposable sock to your foot, and allow all of the product to deeply penetrate. Leave your foot masks on for 60- 90 min to allow the product to be absorbed. After removing mask, rinse feet with warm water to assure that you have rinsed all product off. Pat feet dry. Note you will feel very soft and silky immediately, but in 3-7 days the dead skin on feet will start to peel off. Do not force peeling, allow it to occur naturally. After 7 days you will be left with silky soft feet that you will want to show off!

Exfoliating Foot Mask

Exfoliating Foot Masque
Step 4: Back to the Nails. Clip toe nails accordingly and file to shape them. Toes should always be shaped a bit longer and square vs rounded to prevent ingrown nails. Use your block buffer to lightly buff any uneven surfaces to smooth out imperfections, but be careful not to over buff as we do not want to thin out nails that may be already damaged.
Step 5: Massage cuticle oil to cuticles around toes to soften them.Use an orange stick (the small wooden tool provided in your kit) to push cuticles back gently, which will tidy the toenail bed up for polish preparation and clean the surface of nail up. This tool can also be used to remove stubborn dirt or lint from under nails. Allow cuticle oil to soak in as long as possible, the longer the better so take a deep breath, relax and enjoy the beautiful blend of essential oils to help unwind. This cuticle oil is so decadent, we love using it all over dry skin on legs too!
Step 6: Swab toe nails clean with sanitizing
Hand & Nail alcohol pads, provided in your kit, one pad is enough to remove any debris, oils, etc so that nail is clean and ready to have polish applied

Hand & Nail Cleansing Wipes
Step 7: Paint your toe nails. First put your toe separators on your feet to keep toes spaced apart, this helps keep polish smudge free and makes painting much easier. Apply one coat of your base coat, we love the dual base top coat that can be used for pedicures as your base, and then again as your top coat...who doesn't love a multi task-er. Let dry 1-2 min then apply one coat of your pedicure color of choice, Let dry 1-2 min. Finally apply one coat of your desired top coat, let dry 3-5 min.

pedicure kit
Step 8: One polish is dry you can re-apply a small amount of cuticle oil as needed, and repeat every few days. Apply excess oil into heels, and any other dry skin etc but be careful not to slip. Hydration is key and my best tip for keeping toes and feet looking presentable.

Lauren B DIY Pedicure Kit
By following these steps and using our quality products with active ingredients that will help you to heal, hydrate and restore toes you will be prepared for when you are ready (and it is safe) to go out in public again. Your newly pampered feet and freshly painted toes will be waiting for you and are sure to complement that new sandal you are dying to show off.
As always, we want to hear from you...show us your pedicures, and ask us your pressing nail, mani and pedi questions! DM, chat with us or send us an email, we are here for you always !
Lauren B.